My Practice

Dr. Luke Mountjoy is a naturopathic doctor who aims to educate and empower his patients to act towards optimizing their health now, so they can live life at its best. Dr. Luke recognizes that there is more to health than the absence of disease and he strives to maximize his patient’s health-span, by optimizing their physical, cognitive, and emotional wellbeing through extensive testing and detailed personalized care plans.

Optimizing our health requires preventing chronic diseases. Dr. Luke is passionate about preventing and treating

  • cardiovascular disease
  • metabolic dysfunction (metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, diabetes)
  • sports-related injuries (sprains, strains, nerve injuries)
  • chronic pain (arthritis, back pain, fibromyalgia,)
  • men’s health
  • digestive concerns (IBS, IBD, GERD, SIBO)
  • cognitive decline (dementia)

Through personal and clinical experience Dr. Luke acknowledges that the physical body is often the first place we notice discomfort and he is one of few naturopathic physicians utilizing ultrasound-guided injections to aid in the management of chronic pain, arthritis, and sports-related injuries.  He takes time with all his patients to address the root cause of their concerns, building health from the ground up, as opposed to strictly treating the symptoms.

Dr. Luke’s naturopathic approach combines the latest evidence-based medical science with centuries of wisdom from Eastern and European modalities. He acknowledges that the foundation of health begins with supporting the body’s natural instinct to sustain wellbeing through dietary and lifestyle choices. Relying on tools like advanced testing, Dr. Luke creates results-oriented treatment plans incorporating nutrition, exercise, nutraceuticals, botanical medicine, IV therapy, ultrasound-guided injections, acupuncture, and pharmaceuticals as necessary.

My Story

I arrived at this physician’s path indirectly. My mother was a nurse and my father a businessman, I grew up unsure of which path to follow. As a child, I lost my physically fit and healthy father to a sudden heart attack. Before becoming fully aware of it, this life-altering childhood experience greatly deepened my appreciation of life as it is. A reminder that every day is precious, and life is to be enjoyed not endured. 

As a young adult, I became increasingly drawn to health providers’ paths. I wanted to know how the human body worked and what made it tick. I combined my interest in the natural sciences and psychology at university where I obtained an honours degree in Biological-Psychology at the University of Victoria. Gaining a further appreciation of the intricate connection between our brains, beliefs, bodies, and behaviours. Reinforcing the fact that true health must take into account all the aspects of a person. 

After university, I wanted nothing more than to create meaningful positive changes in the lives of others. I believe that the physician’s role is to be present with their patients, to educate and empower them, allowing them to make informed decisions on how to best achieve their health goals, all while creating sustainable long-term treatment plans designed to utilize the body’s intrinsic drive to find balance and vitality. Naturopathic medicine was the answer. After four more years immersed in education, I graduated from The Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine. I could not be happier to walk alongside my patients on their journey towards physiological, physical, cognitive and emotional well-being. 

Naturopathic Principles

According to my best ability and judgment, I will use methods of treatment which follow the principles of Naturopathic medicine: 

  • First of all, to do no harm.
  • To act in cooperation with the Healing Power of Nature.
  • To address the fundamental causes of disease.
  • To heal the whole person through individualized treatment.
  • To educate and teach the principles of healthy living 
  • To emphasize preventive medicine.

Therapeutic Order

The seven steps of  the therapeutic order guide physicians to prioritize and individualize treatments starting from the least invasive interventions, focusing on the most important body systems using more general to specific targeted therapies. 

  1. Remove obstacles to cure
  2. Stimulate the body’s innate self healing mechanism 
  3. Strengthen Weakened Systems 
  4. Correct Structural Integrity 
  5. Use Natural Therapies to Address Pathology and Symptoms
  6. Use Pharmaceutical or Synthetic Substances to Stop Progressive Pathology 
  7. Use High Force,, Invasive Therapies to Suppress Pathology